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Phan Wins Thrilling UFC 136 Decision Over Garcia at BetLM

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Phan Wins Thrilling UFC 136 Decision Over Garcia

Nam Phan took an elec­tri­fy­ing deci­sion over Leonard Gar­cia at UFC 136 in Hous­ton on Sat­ur­day night. Nei­ther fighter let up for one sec­ond dur­ing the fight. On all three judges card, Phan won 29–28.

Phan got the edge early, tee­ing off on Gar­cia then knock­ing him down. Phan quickly moved into Garcia’s guard, but after the ref­eree didn’t see enough action, he stood them up. Phan wob­bled Gar­cia, and then defended one of his take­downs. Phan used body shots to cre­ate dam­age, and kept Gar­cia on his heels. In the final sec­onds of the round, Phan had one more onslaught to knock Gar­cia down again.

Gar­cia became more wild in the sec­ond round, wing­ing big strikes that didn’t go any­where near Phan’s face. Phan used short, fast punches to Garcia’s face and body through­out the round. As the round wore on, Gar­cia began to tire, and a cut opened under­neath his eye.

Between rounds, Phan said, “Let’s touch gloves,” to Gar­cia, who laughed and called Phan a word not fit for Cagewriter.

The first minute of the third round fol­lowed the same script that the rest of the fight had fol­lowed until Gar­cia knocked Phan down. He quickly got back to his feet, but Gar­cia teed off, swing­ing for the fences on every punch. They clinched, which slowed down the pace, but not for long. Phan took Gar­cia down, but the ref stood them up.

In the final minute, Gar­cia threw spin­ning back­fists, swing­ing hooks, and every punch in the book. With less then 30 sec­onds left, Gar­cia tried for an unsuc­cess­ful take­down. As the round ended, the two swung wildly until the final horn ended, caus­ing the crowd at the Toy­ota Cen­ter to erupt in cheers.

I knew I had him in trou­ble. He had gath­ered so many points in the begin­ning. I knew I had to fin­ish him,” Gar­cia said after the bout.

This is a rematch of their Decem­ber bout, which Gar­cia won by a con­tro­ver­sial deci­sion. Phan appeared to be the clear-cut win­ner in that bout, and was angry about the loss. He said he didn’t want to fight Gar­cia a third time, but Gar­cia said he would be up for it if it were in Houston.

Related: Leonard Gar­cia, UFC 136

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