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Favre Only Surprised Rodgers Didn’t Win Super Bowl Sooner at

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Favre Only Surprised Rodgers Didn’t Win Super Bowl Sooner

Brett Favre acquired but one Super Bowl title dur­ing his oth­er­wise iconic run with the Green Bay Pack­ers, but he remains intrigued that his suc­ces­sor, Aaron Rodgers, took so long to do the same.

Emerg­ing from the Mis­sis­sippi wilder­ness this week for a rare inter­view with WQXI-AM (via, Favre riffed on Rodgers’ career thus far, say­ing: “I’m going to be hon­est, I was not sur­prised (he won a title). The biggest sur­prise to me would be that he didn’t do it sooner.

I’d like to think that he watched, he learned, and then when he got a chance to play, he brought in his abil­ity, which obvi­ously is very good or they wouldn’t have drafted him in the first round. He’s got tremen­dous tal­ent, he’s very bright, and he got a chance to watch and he saw suc­cess­ful teams do it right. … He just kind of fell into a good sit­u­a­tion. On top of that, he’s a good player. … The tal­ent around him is even bet­ter than when I was there. So I’m really kind of sur­prised it took him so long.”

If it reads like a back­handed com­pli­ment, Favre’s voice sug­gested no resent­ment or bit­ter­ness. It’s just the Favre we’ve always known — com­pet­i­tive, heart on his sleeve — but one year removed from the game and con­tent with his new life farm­ing in his “tight lit­tle shorts, no shirt and his lit­tle red hat.”

Favre, who turns 42 on Oct. 10, isn’t about to stage another come­back. Guy’s clearly over it. He bemoaned the monot­o­nous grind between games and the “drain­ing” week-to-week pres­sure to per­form at peak level.

Still, there’s this gem, float­ing in the ether.

That’s not to say one day I’ll become bored. We all become bored with what­ever we do, at some point,” Favre said. “But I’ve got this phi­los­o­phy right now to kind of just take every­thing as it comes, don’t get hur­ried, there’s no rea­son to — and just enjoy life.”

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