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Wojtek Wolski Might Be Early Winner of the Richards-Gaborik Sweepstakes at BetLM

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Wojtek Wolski Might Be Early Winner of the Richards-Gaborik Sweepstakes

New York Rangers for­ward Wojtek Wol­ski looks primed to face a fas­ci­nat­ing fork in the road in the 2011-12 sea­son. The incon­sis­tent but skilled winger is no stranger to up and down moments, but we could find out a lot about him in the begin­ning of next season.

Although his golden oppor­tu­nity might get derailed by a groin injury, points to Wol­ski as the fron­trun­ner for the Rangers’ top left wing spot. First-line min­utes are never some­thing to sneeze at, but this could be even more spe­cial because of his poten­tial line­mates: Brad Richards and Mar­ian Gaborik.

On the pos­i­tive end, that’s an amaz­ing chance to put up boffo num­bers. That being said, if he can’t make it work with those two, it might be time to ship him to a lower-level league where he can float in rel­a­tive anonymity.

Like many NHL head coaches, John Tor­torella is known for going through lineup changes more often than Madonna changes her accent. Bran­don Dubin­sky, Rus­lan Fedotenko and Brian Boyle could also earn time at the left wing spot. Still, for the sake of the team’s bal­ance, things would work bet­ter with Wol­ski on line one.

While Dubin­sky would be an amaz­ing fit because he brings some grit (and a right-handed shot) to what would be a finesse-driven line, mov­ing him away from Ryan Calla­han would rob the Rangers of a difference-making com­pli­men­tary duo. Fedotenko and Boyle are prob­a­bly best suited for lower line duties, although Boyle’s big body could pro­vide an inter­est­ing ele­ment to the line.

Over­all, Wol­ski fits bet­ter by default, but he’ll need to seize the oppor­tu­nity if he gets it. Wol­ski shared his thoughts on play­ing with such skilled forwards.

Tor­torella expects Wol­ski to be ready for Wednesday’s prac­tice at Eric­s­son Globe Arena. If he’s back doing line rushes with Richards and Gaborik, we’ll have our answer.

To be able to play with those types of play­ers gives you a bet­ter oppor­tu­nity every night to win, to play well and to be con­sis­tent,” Wol­ski said. “As a for­ward, I’m sup­posed to put myself in posi­tion where I’m play­ing among the top-six guys. That’s usu­ally what is counted of me. I have to be cre­ative and I want as much ice time as possible.”

It’s hard to believe that Wol­ski sports ideal NHL size because of it fre­quently goes to waste because of his pas­sive style. He would be wise to break those habits and bring that above-average frame to the net for a bounty of garbage goals. Richards’ sub­lime passes should open up fre­quent tap-in goal oppor­tu­ni­ties while Gaborik’s speed and fear­some skills should divert plenty of defen­sive attention.

If Wol­ski could ever choose a time to assert him­self, this would be it.

For all the recent NHL news and live NHL bet­ting lines go to Lines­Maker Sports Bet­ting. BetLM is a lead­ing online source for live NHL lines and all sports bet­ting lines. Together with wager­ing on NHL games, NHL play­offs and Stan­ley Cup Final, BetLM offers bet­ting on vir­tu­ally all major sport­ing events.

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BetLM is a world­wide sports bet­ting, enter­tain­ment and media infor­ma­tion com­pany founded in 1999.

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