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Rangers Waiving Sean Avery Could Screw Up Dallas’ Salary Cap Situation at BetLM

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Rangers Waiving Sean Avery Could Screw Up Dallas’ Salary Cap Situation

With the news that the Rangers put excitable for­ward Sean Avery on waivers to send him on his way out of New York, the sto­ry­lines are many. After all, any­thing that Avery does is put under the micro­scope and examined.

One aspect of his impend­ing demo­tion to the AHL, should he go unclaimed that is, is how that move affects the salary cap. No, not the cap of the Rangers who will clear out his salary from their books one way or another, but rather on the his pre­vi­ous team that bought him out.

The Dal­las Stars are close to the salary floor, accord­ing to CapGeek, and they’re still pay­ing Sean Avery this sea­son $ 1,937,500 to con­tinue not play­ing hockey in Dal­las. The Stars’ pay­roll is cur­rently at $ 49,905,000. If Avery lands in the AHL, his salary cap hit not only comes off the Rangers’ books but the Stars as well. The quick math there shows that by Avery’s cap hit going away, the Stars’ pay­roll dips to just over $ 47.9 mil­lion, just under $ 400,000 under the salary floor.

Dal­las Morn­ing News’ Mike Heika says the Stars are ready for this.

The Stars were orig­i­nally under the impres­sion that Sean Avery’s salary cap hit would remain no mat­ter what hap­pened, but they found out today that if Avery does go to the minors (the NY Rangers have placed him on waivers), that his $ 1.9 mil­lion would come off of their salary cap.

That could have them danc­ing per­ilously close to the salary cap floor of $ 48.3 mil­lion, but the Stars say they should be fine.

With the Stars’ ros­ter vir­tu­ally all set for now with 23 play­ers, scrap­ing up that extra money to reach the $ 48.3 mil­lion salary floor means hav­ing to poten­tially make a move that isn’t in the team’s best inter­ests. The tough part here for Dal­las is that they don’t nec­es­sar­ily have any­one mak­ing big money to bring up to swap out with a less-costly player for the bench.

Stars GM Joe Nieuwendyk has been good about keep­ing costs down (obvi­ously) while the team goes through an own­er­ship and fran­chise sale mess, but now he’s going to have to get cre­ative and find a way to shuf­fle money around to make it work bet­ter so the Stars can reach the salary floor.

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BetLM Sports Bet­ting News writ­ers deliver unique com­men­tary on sports and NHL bet­ting news. Addi­tion­ally, sports and NHL bet­ting news wire sto­ries are com­piled by our edi­tors from a vari­ety of NHL news wire ser­vices, aggre­ga­tors and sev­eral other resources such as: AP, Rueters, NBC, CBS, Fox, About, Yahoo, X2 News, AHN, Bleacher Report and Yard­barker. Read more about

Lines­Maker is a global sports bet­ting, enter­tain­ment and news infor­ma­tion com­pany estab­lished in 1999.

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