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Mayor MVP, Katz First Star in Arena Project at LinesMaker

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Mayor MVP, Katz First Star in Arena Project

In the end, Daryl Katz proved that he’s still Edmonton.

In the end, the Edmon­ton Oil­ers owner stepped up to do what he had to do to move the down­town arena project a large leap for­ward toward real­ity to keep the team here for the next 35 years.

“They moved quite a bit and we moved some,” said mayor Stephen Man­del of what hap­pened in Gary Bettman’s NHL offices in New York this week.

“Mr. Katz was com­mit­ted to mak­ing a deal. They bent. We bent. I think this is a rea­son­ably fair deal.”

Bettman’s off-Broadway show­down will almost cer­tainly go down as a sig­nif­i­cant moment in Edmon­ton his­tory now as the mayor, Katz and Bettman achieved the goal of get­ting the deal not just back on the rails but on a mono­rail to total approval, as was the mayor’s stated goal going in.

It’s not a done deal. But city coun­cil voted to pur­chase the land Katz had under option by Oct. 21 and to vote on the remains of the “subject-to”s on Oct. 26. If approved, the deal won’t be done until the province comes through with the remain­ing $ 100 mil­lion. But both Katz and the city appear con­fi­dent in that conclusion.

The final vote almost cer­tainly, off what we wit­nessed Fri­day in coun­cil cham­bers, will be 8–5 again, as was the case May 18 when it was first approved — per­haps even 9–4 or 10–3 this time.

As first pro­jected by your cor­re­spon­dent from New York, it was a the con­ces­sion by Katz to waive the non-compete clause with North­lands for Rex­all Place which was key to the deal.

To make that work, the city got cre­ative by putting up $ 2 mil­lion a year for 10 years of spon­sor­ship money with the Oil­ers for on-ice adver­tis­ing, board signs, etc. to pro­mote Edmon­ton in a deal sim­i­lar to the pro­mo­tional money involv­ing the Edmon­ton Indy and the National Finals Rodeo.

Play of the day

Clearly, drop­ping the non-compete clause, though, was the play of the day.

“Mr. Katz was very reluc­tant to do that but moved for­ward. He was very reluc­tant to do that, and not just him. It was a big issue, not just for him, but for the com­mis­sioner,” said Mandel.

For a city that has con­sis­tently lacked the vision of Cal­gary, this $ 450-million arena and accom­pa­ny­ing enter­tain­ment dis­trict is going to be a big step, com­bined with the new $ 350-million museum $ 88-million art gallery and $ 125 mil­lion in upgrades to Com­mowealth Sta­dium, to actu­ally give Edmon­ton some­thing to pro­mote with that spon­sor­ship money.

Man­del praised “the courage” of his col­leagues on city coun­cil — well, not you Tony Cata­rina, Linda Sloan or Kerry Diotte, who voted against — “for being being will­ing to build a city.”

“This is big step for the city of Edmon­ton. Not every­one sup­ports what we do, but many peo­ple have the courage to build the city that I think in the past we might not have had.”

There are some other twists and turns from the May 18 frame­work. Instead of Katz putting $ 100 mil­lion up front, Katz will pay $ 5.5 mil­lion a year over 30 years in lease money to cover his $ 100-million con­tri­bu­tion with the Oil­ers, and the team guar­an­teed to remain here over 35 years as pre­vi­ously agreed. And the orig­i­nal ticket tax, which Katz at one point appeared to be pulling off the table, is back in place with an adden­dum that when the new arena opens the city will not sub­si­dize what is now Rex­all Place any fur­ther. The city will also oper­ate the facility’s prac­tice rink as a com­mu­nity arena as part of the plan.

Katz, who agreed to pay for half of the ped­way over 104th avenue and is still in for $ 100 mil­lion of invest­ment in the down­town arena/entertainment dis­trict, stepped up to the point of it being almost dou­ble the con­tri­bu­tion of the Pitts­burgh Pen­guins in their new arena. And there’s no $ 5.5-million gam­ing sub­sidy like True North is get­ting from the Man­i­toba gov­ern­ment for the next 20 years to bring the Win­nipeg Jets back.

Both the city and Katz seem will­ing to wait for a new pre­mier to set­tle in, in hopes that with the rest of the deal done, the province will be there for the cit­i­zens of North­ern Alberta with the remain­ing $ 100 million.

“With about $ 200 bil­lion over five years and we want $ 100 mil­lion, that’s about .0001%. Or is it .00001%,” said the mayor.

It was get­ting past non-compete that’s going to make this com­plete. Our mayor may be Edmonton’s MVP but in this game, Daryl Katz ends up as the first star.

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