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Carter Performs Well in Columbus Debut, Not Enough as Jackets Fall in Opener at BetLM

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Carter Performs Well in Columbus Debut, Not Enough as Jackets Fall in Opener

Fans were excited to see what the new era in Blue Jack­ets hockey would look like. For the first time in Rick Nash’s career, he’d have a cen­ter who could keep up with him. At least that was the plan when we looked at the team on paper in the off­sea­son. So what would it look like when the idea was put into prac­tice in a reg­u­lar sea­son game?

Pretty good. Pretty darn good.

Colum­bus lost their first game of the sea­son against the rival Nashville Preda­tors, but it wasn’t due to lack of pro­duc­tion from the Jack­ets new look top line. New­comer Jeff Carter had a pair of assists in his Jack­ets debut, Vinny Prospal had a goal and assist, and cap­tain Rick Nash had a goal and assist as well. Pretty good num­bers con­sid­er­ing the Preda­tors fea­ture the best defen­sive pair­ing in the league and one of the best goaltenders.

Unfor­tu­nately for Colum­bus, the rest of the team failed to get any­thing done and they fell 3–2.

It wasn’t all that long ago that Jeff Carter was upset about his trade out of Philadel­phia. Most will remem­ber that in the days imme­di­ately fol­low­ing the trade, Carter was nowhere to be found as he let the deal digest. But all that is in the past:

It’s excit­ing to get out there and play a real game. It seems like the trade didn’t hap­pen all that long ago, but now here we are, ready to go.”

Two assists are cer­tainly a good way to get off on the right foot. The next step will be for the Blue Jack­ets to put a W in the win column—but Carter and his line­mates undoubt­edly did their part. Carter fin­ished the game with his two assists (both at even strength), a +1 rat­ing, 6 shots on goal, and won 77% of the draws he took in his first game. His 20:40 of ice time was sec­ond among Blue Jack­ets forwards—only behind cap­tain Rich Nash. So much for eas­ing the new guy into his new role.

Jack­ets head coach Scott Arniel acknowl­edged that he hoped that chem­istry would develop quickly on his new top line and was happy with their effort in their first game. Even the oppos­ing net­min­der acknowl­edged the play of the Carter-Nash-Prospal line:

Every time they’re on the ice, they seem to have at least one scor­ing chance,” Rinne said. “Or at least they try to shoot and try to cre­ate every sin­gle shift. If you’re a goalie or a defense­man, it’s challenging…”

It was a good start for Carter in Colum­bus, but now the team as a whole will need to improve to start post­ing some wins. The first place to improve is on the power play. Despite the strong play from the big guns, the power play that strug­gled last sea­son strug­gled dur­ing stretches again. Arniel counted eight chances on the power play—but the num­ber that mat­ters the most is 0. As in 0 for 5 on the power play. That’s not going to cut it for the team that fin­ished 29th in the league with a 14% power play last sea­son. But if the trio con­tin­ues play­ing like they did tonight, those num­bers are bound to turnaround.

For the first night in Colum­bus, Carter and his line­mates gave fans some­thing to look for­ward to. Now he’ll just need to get a lit­tle help from his friends. They’ll have 81 more games to show they’re capa­ble of step­ping up their game.

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LM Sports Bet­ting News writ­ers pro­vide you with inde­pen­dent com­men­tary on sports and NHL hockey bet­ting news. Addi­tion­ally, sports and NHL hockey bet­ting news wire reports are com­piled by our staff from a wide selec­tion of NHL hockey news wire ser­vices, aggre­ga­tors and var­i­ous other sources includ­ing: Asso­ci­ated Press, NBC, CBS, Fox, AHN, X2 News, Rueters, About, Yahoo, Yard­barker and Bleacher Report. Read more about

BetLM is a world­wide sports bet­ting, enter­tain­ment and media infor­ma­tion com­pany estab­lished in 1999.

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