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Coyotes Can’t Blame Sharks Rout on Mike Smith Alone at LinesMaker

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Coyotes Can’t Blame Sharks Rout on Mike Smith Alone

A lot of peo­ple rushed to blame Phoenix Coy­otes goalie Mike Smith, who was in net for all six of the San Jose Sharks’ goals tonight.

File Smith under the “If only it was that easy … ” cat­e­gory, though. Sure, Smith isn’t an ideal num­ber one goalie, but the Coy­otes don’t sport an ideal any­thing, really. (OK, Dave Tip­pett might be an ideal coach, but he has his hands full with a team that has lit­tle beyond Shane Doan and Keith Yandle.)

The Sharks pounded 52 shots on Smith, includ­ing 38 through the first two peri­ods when they scored those six goals. The Coy­otes took 29 dur­ing the entire game and only man­aged to score on the power play, which isn’t a fan­tas­tic sign for a team that will likely try to make their money at even strength.

As with any result from this week­end – or really the first two months, if you want to kill everyone’s fun – it’s impor­tant to avoid over­re­ac­tions. Still, the Coy­otes’ ros­ter doesn’t exactly scream “play­off team” right now.

Most dis­turbingly, one could argue that their defense was over­rated last sea­son, too. Shots totals can be mis­lead­ing, but many might be sur­prised that they allowed the third most spots in 2010-11. Ilya Bryz­galov was the difference-maker for them, just like Tim Thomas was for the Boston Bru­ins (who allowed the sec­ond most).

The good news is that the Sharks are one of the best teams in the NHL – espe­cially at scor­ing goals – so things shouldn’t be this rot­ten for Smith and the Coy­otes all sea­son long. That being said, it might take Tippett’s best coach­ing job yet to get this team in play­off contention.

For all your up to date NHL news and real-time NHL bet­ting odds visit LM Sports Bet­ting. BetLM is a world lead­ing online source for real-time NHL odds and all sports bet­ting odds. In addi­tion to wager­ing on NHL games, NHL play­offs and Stan­ley Cup Cham­pi­onship, BetLM offers bets on almost all major sport­ing events.

LM Sports Bet­ting News writ­ers pro­vide you with inde­pen­dent arti­cles on sports and NHL bet­ting news. Addi­tion­ally, sports and NHL bet­ting news wire con­tent are com­piled by our staff from a num­ber of NHL news wire ser­vices, aggre­ga­tors and addi­tional sources includ­ing: Asso­ci­ated Press, NBC, CBS, Fox, AHN, X2 News, Rueters, About, Yahoo, Yard­barker and Bleacher Report. Read more about

Lines­Maker is a world­wide sports bet­ting, enter­tain­ment and media infor­ma­tion ser­vice founded in 1999.

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