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Can Jaroslav Halak Pull Out All the Stops for St. Louis to Make the Postseason? at BetLM

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Can Jaroslav Halak Pull Out All the Stops for St. Louis to Make the Postseason?

We all recall two years ago when Jaroslav Halak made him­self a house­hold name in Mon­treal by help­ing lead the Cana­di­ens to the East­ern Con­fer­ence finals. After being traded to St. Louis last off­sea­son and going through what some would say was a bit of a dis­ap­point­ing year for the Slo­va­kian net­min­der, the Blues enter this sea­son with a lot of hype.

After all, the Blues come into the new sea­son healthy with all of their youth­ful big guns ready to show what they’re made of in the NHL. David Backes starts the year as the team’s new cap­tain and guys like T.J. Oshie, Patrik Berglund, Alex Steen, Matt D’Agostini, and Kevin Shat­tenkirk are look­ing to be the guys that bust things up in the West. The keys to doing that, how­ever, my rest in Halak’s hands.

After a dis­ap­point­ing pre­sea­son, Halak is hop­ing it’s not a sign of things to come and he knows the pres­sure is on him to pull it together and get the Blues to the play­offs. Jeremy Ruther­ford of the St. Louis Dis­patch has the story.

Still, there is some con­cern about how the Blues’ No. 1 net­min­der will respond in his sec­ond sea­son with the club after a pre­sea­son per­for­mance that won’t show up on any of his per­sonal high­light reels. He was 1–2 with a 2.68 GAA and .869 save-percentage.

No one ever won the league in the pre­sea­son,” Halak said. “I know every­body wants to see the wins and no one wants to lose. … I only won one (game) … so what can I do? It’s only the pre­sea­son, so let’s turn the page and focus on our prac­tices right now and espe­cially Saturday’s game.”

They’ll need Halak to be on top of his game because things aren’t confidence-inspiring when it comes to his back­ups. Brian Elliott beat out Ben Bishop for the backup job in train­ing camp and while Elliott has been a starter in Ottawa and Col­orado, those weren’t exactly the great­est teams. Elliott split time with Pas­cal Leclaire in 2009–2010 when the Sen­a­tors went to the play­offs, but the wheels came off the train last year in Ottawa and he was dealt to Col­orado for Craig Ander­son. Things didn’t improve in Den­ver and the Avs allowed Elliott to walk as a free agent.

Suf­fice it to say, it’s Halak or bust in St. Louis. Pro­vided Halak can stay healthy all year and show the kind of game he had in Mon­treal that made the Habs an impos­si­ble team to face in the post­sea­son, the Blues fig­ure to be equally dif­fi­cult to deal with. They’re skilled, they have pesky and tough defen­sive play­ers, and they’re young and brim­ming with con­fi­dence. It’s the per­fect mix for St. Louis to be a post­sea­son hope­ful this sea­son. Halak will hope that a poor pre­sea­son is just that and he can take care of busi­ness when the games count begin­ning on Saturday.

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