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Willis and Costa to Boost Mercedes Technical Team at LinesMaker

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Willis and Costa to Boost Mercedes Technical Team

In a bid to fur­ther strengthen their tech­ni­cal line-up, Mer­cedes have announced that for­mer Red Bull tech­ni­cal direc­tor Geoff Willis will join the team next month, with ex-Ferrari tech­ni­cal direc­tor Aldo Costa com­ing on board in December.

Willis will become Mer­cedes’ tech­nol­ogy direc­tor, head­ing up the team’s aero­dy­nam­ics, vehi­cle dynam­ics, con­trol sys­tems and sim­u­la­tion func­tions, while Costa’s role will be that of engi­neer­ing direc­tor, respon­si­ble for design and devel­op­ment. Both will report to tech­ni­cal direc­tor Bob Bell.

Geoff is a highly respected engi­neer with over 20 years of For­mula One expe­ri­ence, and we look for­ward to his arrival next month,” said team prin­ci­pal Ross Brawn. “Hav­ing worked closely with Aldo for many years [at Fer­rari], I know that he will bring ded­i­ca­tion and championship-winning exper­tise to the team when he joins in December.

Build­ing a win­ning team is an excit­ing chal­lenge for us all as we work towards the com­pet­i­tive­ness and stan­dards that we aspire to as the Mercedes-Benz works team. With a strong tech­ni­cal struc­ture led by Bob Bell, we are mov­ing our­selves into the best pos­si­ble posi­tion to achieve our ambitions.”

Willis pre­vi­ously worked at Brack­ley in the team’s BAR/Honda era from 2001 to 2006, and was tech­ni­cal direc­tor at Red Bull Rac­ing from 2007 to 2009 before tak­ing a con­sul­tancy role with HRT in March 2010. Costa joined Fer­rari in 1996 after eight years at the Minardi team. He won eight world cham­pi­onships at Maranello, prior to his depar­ture in May 2011.

Since Mer­cedes GP Petronas was formed as a new team in early 2010, we have been putting in place the build­ing blocks for suc­cess,” added Nor­bert Haug, Vice-President, Mercedes-Benz Motor­sport. “Our tech­ni­cal organ­i­sa­tion was strength­ened by the arrival of Bob Bell and, work­ing closely with Ross, he has iden­ti­fied the areas where we can improve still further.

Aldo and Geoff will rein­force our tech­ni­cal man­age­ment and bring the expe­ri­ence required to har­ness the tal­ents of our peo­ple in Brack­ley; we have also recruited and invested at other lev­els in order to max­imise our com­pet­i­tive­ness under the Resource Restric­tion Agree­ment. Our goal remains to progress step by step in order to estab­lish our­selves as a front-running team for the long term, in line with the tra­di­tion of the Mercedes-Benz Sil­ver Arrows.”

Willis will start work at Mer­cedes on Octo­ber 17, while Costa will take up his post on Decem­ber 1.

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LM Sports Bet­ting News edi­tors pro­duce inde­pen­dent reports on sports and F1 bet­ting news. In addi­tion, sports and F1 bet­ting news wire sto­ries is gath­ered by our edi­tors from a wide range of Forumla1 news wire ser­vices, aggre­ga­tors and addi­tional sources such as About, AHN, AP, Bleacher Report, CBS, Fox, Rueters, Yahoo, Yard­barker and X2 News. Lines­Maker is a inter­na­tional sports bet­ting, enter­tain­ment and media infor­ma­tion ser­vice estab­lished in 1999.

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