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Conference Power Rankings — Week 5

Con­fer­ence power rank­ings after Week 5 have a lit­tle bit of a dif­fer­ent look. We’re start­ing to run out of ways we can say the SEC is col­lege football’s best con­fer­ence, just as we can say the Sun Belt is clearly in the cel­lar, but there are some moves and shake-ups in between.

Check ‘em out:

Our Con­clu­sion:

1. SEC (last wk, No. 1) – The Good: Bama Rolls in Gainesville over Florida; LSU takes care of busi­ness against Ken­tucky. The Bad: South Car­olina being South Car­olina against Auburn. The Ugly: Uri­nat­ing on the oppos­ing teams shrub­bery is never a good idea.

2. Big Ten (last wk, T-No. 4) — The Good: Wis­con­sin wel­come Nebraska to the Big Ten with a Mad Town maul­ing, Michi­gan State goes to the ‘Shoe and defeats Ohio State. The Bad: Min­nesota and Pur­due are really scrap­ing the bot­tom of the con­fer­ence bar­rel, which also acts as a rivalry tro­phy. The Ugly: Penn. State’s. Offense.

3. Pac-12 (last wk, No. 3) — The Good: Stan­ford makes it look easy against UCLA, Ari­zona State keeps rolling. The Bad: their oppo­nents. UCLA and Ore­gon State are quickly hav­ing sea­sons to for­get. The Ugly: Col­orado can’t close out games and Utah just can’t seem to catch a break with their quar­ter­back, Jor­dan Wynn.

4. Big 12 (last wk. No. 2) — Okla­homa con­tin­ues to beat up their oppo­si­tion, which should make for a good Red River Rivalry against sud­denly sharp Texas. The Bad: Bay­lor goes on the road and coughs up a loss against Kansas State. RGIII can’t do it all, y’all. The Ugly: Texas A&M and sec­ond halves might be a worse fit than Mis­souri to the SEC.

5. ACC (last wk, T-No. 4) — The Good: can we finally get some love for Clem­son? The Tigers have defeated three top 25 teams in a row, the lat­est being Vir­ginia Tech. The Bad: Boston Col­lege is not quite who we thought they were with just one win on the sea­son; Wake For­est is def­i­nitely not who we thought they were at 3–1. The Ugly: Vir­ginia needed over­time to defeat Idaho.

6. Con­fer­ence USA (last wk, No. 9) — The Good: SMU ends a four-game drought against TCU, upset­ting the Horned Frogs 40–33. The Bad: Hous­ton can score with just about any­one. Unfor­tu­nately, just about anyone’s offense can score on the Cougars. The Ugly: Mem­phis needs to stop field­ing a foot­ball team for a while. Just take a break. Seriously.

7. Moun­tain West (last wk, No. 10) — The Good: Boise State gets rid of the Brotz­man curse by defeat­ing Nevada 30–10. The Bad: San Jose State walks out against Col­orado State with a win. Never good. The Ugly: Gary Pat­ter­son‘s com­ments this week fol­low­ing TCU’s loss to SMU sounded pretty bit­ter. Being 3–2 doesn’t help.

8. Big East (last wk, T-No. 4) — The Good: LOLZ!!! The Bad: South Florida, which some would con­sider the Big East’s second-best team, just got pum­meled by Pitts­burgh on national Thurs­day night TV. ACC gets another vic­tory. The Ugly: Dana Hol­gorsen calls out WVU fans for poor fan atten­dance. S-E-C?

9. MAC (last wk, No. 7) — The Good: West­ern Michi­gan throws the kitchen sink Florida OC Char­lie Weis meant to throw against Alabama at UConn in a 38–31 win. The Bad: Ball State and Buf­falo lost to Okla­homa and Ten­nessee by a com­bined score of 103–16. The Ugly: I shoulda never gave Tem­ple props in the first place. The Owls fol­low up a huge win against Mary­land with an even big­ger let­down against Toledo.

10. WAC (last wk, No.8) — The Good: Despite a 38–38 loss, Fresno State hangs tough with Ole Miss; Idaho forces Vir­ginia to OT. The Bad: Nevada really wishes Colin Kaeper­nick were still around. The Ugly: Utah State can­not close out a game. I don’t know what they did to tick off the foot­ball gods, but holy gua­camole the final two min­utes of a fourth quar­ter have not been good to the Aggies.

11. Sun Belt (last wk, No. 11) — The Good: Troy always has tal­ent, and despite their 2–2 record thanks a win over UAB, they should still be con­tenders when con­fer­ence play gets going. The Bad: Florida Inter­na­tional has now dropped two in a row against Louisiana Lafayette and Duke after get­ting off to a hot start. The Ugly: Florida Atlantic is not send­ing leg­endary coach Howard Schnel­len­berger off the right way; the Owls are 0–4 and look just dreadful.

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