NBA Playoff Slam Contest

nba playoff slam orange NBA Playoff Slam Contest

Select the series winners of the 2012 NBA Playoffs and win your share of $10,000 in cash prizes.

NBA Playoff Slam Contest

Registration to the contest is now officially closed.


How does it work?

There are 4 rounds in total, one for each round of the NBA playoffs. Points are achieved as follows:

  • One point for every correct selection in the 1st round.
  • Two points for every correct selection in the 2nd round.
  • Four points for every correct selection in the 3rd round.
  • Eight points for picking the winner of the final series

The top 20 players will win a share of the $10,000 prizepool based on their total points achieved as follows:

1st Place: $5,000.00
2nd Place: $2,500.00
3rd Place: $1,000.00
4th Place: $500.00
5th Place: $250.00
6th – 10th Place: $100.00
11th – 20th Place: $25.00

Not a member yet? Join for free right now! and play in the 2012 NBA Playoff Slam Contest

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