Deposit Bonuses
LinesMaker provides numerous bonuses to our members. If you have any questions regarding bonuses we are here to help.
Depending on the issue, contact us in the following ways for the best service:
Signup and Thursday Bonuses
LinesMaker.com Financial Services automatically credits your first deposit bonus and every deposit on Thursday with extra cash.
If you have any questions regarding these bonuses you can contact the cashier by email or you can use ou Live Help feature. You may also call us toll
free at 1-800-996-5152. We are available by these methods 24/7.
All Other Bonus Matters
All other bonuses are coordinated through our Comps Department and you can
contact us by email.
Please Note:
Our standard deposit bonuses are programmed into the online system. However, sometimes when LinesMaker.com Financial Services does a manual deposit such as a Western Union, this bonus is missed. If this happens, just contact us right away and we will have the bonus credited.