House Rules at BetLM

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House Rules

All rules, reg­u­la­tions, and pay­offs con­tained herein are sub­ject to change and revi­sion by the Man­age­ment of with­out prior notice.


  1. Mem­bers of are eli­gi­ble to receive bonuses from time to time, includ­ing a bonus when signing-up and for each referral. 
  2. Bonuses shall be non-transferable and non-refundable.
  3. We only allow one bonus per account/household or envi­ron­ments where com­put­ers are shared. 
  4. A bonus is only valid if the rollover require­ment asso­ci­ated with the said bonus has been fulfilled. 
  5. These require­ments may vary depend­ing on the bonus given and you must always refer to the terms and con­di­tions of the par­tic­u­lar bonus for clarification. 
  6. Please note that bonuses are not cumu­la­tive, for exam­ple, we offer a stan­dard 50% signup bonus; this can­not be com­bined with other pro­mo­tions or spe­cials to become a 30% bonus. 
  7. Poker bonuses fall under an entirely sep­a­rate agree­ment and are awarded and released within the poker application.
  8. 50% sign-up bonuses, reload bonuses and other cash rewards will expire in 30 days. Any unused por­tion of the bonus will be removed at that time.
  9. Unless oth­er­wise stated, signup bonuses and reload bonuses are sub­ject to the fol­low­ing rollover require­ment: sports bet­ting activ­ity at least 30 times the the amount of the bonus given or casino bet­ting activ­ity at least 100 times the the amount of the bonus given. Cer­tain Casino games, as spec­i­fied in the Casino Rules, do not apply towards rollover require­ments. Rollover require­ments must be met within 15 days of your deposit. These bonuses can­not be trans­ferred and used in the poker room.
  1. Reload bonuses are capped at $400.00
  2. The recy­cling of funds is not per­mit­ted.  Request­ing a with­drawal to make a deposit with lit­tle or no activ­ity between the with­drawal and deposit does not earn a bonus.
  3. When you with­draw, some (or all) of your bonus funds may be removed from your account if their rollover require­ments have not been met.  The amount removed is pro­por­tional to the amount you are with­draw­ing: for exam­ple, if you are with­draw­ing 50% of your avail­able bal­ance, 25% of your bonus is removed.  If you are with­draw­ing 100% of your avail­able bal­ance, 100% of your bonus is removed.
  4. Mem­bers must play their own money in order to earn a bonus.  If you deposit, receive a bonus and then with­draw the amount of the deposit with­out risk­ing your own funds, we will deduct both the bonus and the winnings.
  5. Man­age­ment reserves the right to revoke a bonus and win­nings derived from the revoked bonus at any time.
  6. Real money play in the Poker Room and Down­load­able Casino do not count towards the rollover require­ment of bonuses awarded in sports bet­ting and/or flash casino areas of the site. 
  7. Refer a Friend Pro­mo­tion
    The fol­low­ing terms and con­di­tions apply:

    1. To be eli­gi­ble for this offer the Refer­rer must have deposited before the Referred Friend.
    2. Referred Friend’s Min­i­mum ini­tial deposit $100.00.
    3. Max­i­mum refer­ral bonus is $250.00.
    4. Bonus will be paid seven days after the Referred Friend has made their first deposit.
    5. In order to be eli­gi­ble as a valid refer­ral, the Referred Friend must have used at least 50% of his ini­tial deposit and must not have requested a with­drawal before com­plet­ing the wager­ing require­ment on his own Sign-Up Bonus.
    6. If, after seven days of the ini­tial deposit, 50% of the amount has not been wagered, your refer­ral bonus will be cred­ited once it is wagered. To request this bonus please sub­mit the request form here.
    7. The Referred Friend still receives their Free Cash Sign-up Bonus offer even if they have not met the wager­ing require­ments for a refer­ral bonus.
    8. The Referred Friend’s 50% signup bonus offer supercedes all other signup bonus offers.
    9. There is no limit to the num­ber of times you’re cred­ited a refer­ral bonus, but lim­ited to one bonus per Referred Friend.
    10. Open­ing mul­ti­ple accounts is strictly against the house rules. If the ref­eree already has an account with us (Inac­tive or oth­er­wise) you will not be enti­tled to receive any refer­ral bonus funds.
    11. All refer­ral claims for credit must be made within 60 days of your friend/acquaintance (the ref­eree) sign­ing up.

Free money or Cash Code Bonuses are sub­ject to the fol­low­ing restric­tions:
If a mem­ber attempts to with­draw win­nings derived entirely from a free cash bonus prior to meet­ing the require­ments spec­i­fied in the pro­mo­tion, both the win­nings and pro­mo­tional bonus shall be forfeited.

TAXES will not dis­close details of a member’s net win­nings or losses except as required under applic­a­ble law.  If you reside in a juris­dic­tion where your win­nings are tax­able, it is your respon­si­bil­ity to com­ply with any appro­pri­ate laws.


No one under the age of 18 years is per­mit­ted to wager at


All mem­bers should ver­ify their bal­ances on each account log-in and prior to wager­ing.  When you ver­ify and accept your account bal­ance you agree that all pre­vi­ous trans­ac­tions are cor­rect and you do not have any claims.  Claims or dis­putes must be set­tled prior to mak­ing any fur­ther wagers.  All inter­net trans­ac­tions will be logged and the log file will also be saved on a back-up sys­tem.  Any cor­re­spon­dence via tele­phone, email or live chat will be recorded and stored on file.

Notwith­stand­ing any­thing in this agree­ment, in the event of any dis­pute regard­ing a wager or win­nings, the deci­sion of will be final and bind­ing in all matters.


The agree­ment between and the mem­ber may be ter­mi­nated at any time upon the request of the mem­ber as long as there is no bal­ance and no pend­ing wagers.  Or, if deemed nec­es­sary, reserves the right to revoke the agree­ment between the mem­ber and


Mem­bers are solely respon­si­ble for the secu­rity of their pass­words.  Should you inad­ver­tently let some­one else know your pass­word you must imme­di­ately change it via the secure ‘My Account’ area of the web­site.
Mem­bers are respon­si­ble for any unau­tho­rized use of their accounts.  In the event that a third party places a bet, or is thought to have placed a bet, the said bet shall be valid whether or not the alleged third party had the prior con­sent of the mem­ber.  Under no cir­cum­stances will any bet be set to ‘no action’ for that rea­son.  If you sus­pect that a third party may have access to your pass­word or user­name, you should pro­ceed to the secure ‘My Account’ area and change your password.

When choos­ing a pass­word, rec­om­mends you fol­low these guidelines:

  • Do not use all lower case letters
  • Do use num­bers and or symbols
  • Do use a mix of upper and lower case letters


We accept with­drawal requests 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and the min­i­mum with­drawal is $50.  There is a max­i­mum of 2 with­drawal requests per day. 

All mem­bers will be enti­tled to one free with­drawal per cal­en­dar month.   Addi­tional with­drawals within the same cal­en­dar month will incur a fee.

Please note: On any with­drawal, will first attempt to credit back to your card any funds that you have recently charged to that card.  The rest of your win­nings will be sent via check (or other avail­able method).   For exam­ple, if you deposited $200 via credit card, your cur­rent bal­ance is $500, and you wish to with­draw $500 dol­lars; $200 will be cred­ited to your card and the remain­ing $300 will be sent via check (or other avail­able method).  On occa­sions we may have to send your with­drawal via a method other than the one you have cho­sen.  In the event that the method is changed, we will notify you.

Your Per­sonal Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion Num­ber (PIN) is required before you can with­draw any funds from  It is a fur­ther step in secur­ing that only you can access money in your account.  This num­ber was sent to you via email when you signed up and can be retrieved at any time via the secure “My Account” area of the site.  You are solely respon­si­ble for the secu­rity of your PIN.

When request­ing a with­drawal, please ensure that your cur­rent address is cor­rect and up-to-date, also ensure we have received and ver­i­fied all the required “Know Your Cus­tomer” doc­u­ments at least 72 hours prior to mak­ing your request; we will need you to pro­vide us with a copy of a valid form of ID and a copy of a util­ity bill show­ing your name and address. Depend­ing on your method of with­drawal, we may need to pro­vide these doc­u­ments to our pay­ment proces­sor prior to pro­cess­ing your withdrawal.

If a stop pay­ment is requested by the mem­ber, it is the member’s respon­si­bil­ity to assume the stop-payment fees of a min­i­mum of $50.

A pend­ing with­drawal can be can­celled if the mem­ber wishes; you must con­tact us and the funds will be returned to your gam­ing account (usu­ally within two hours).  Once a with­drawal has been sent for pro­cess­ing it can­not be can­celled.  Man­age­ment reserves the right to can­cel any with­drawal that exceeds the stip­u­lated limits.

CONFIDENTIALITY shall under­take to main­tain your anonymity unless you agree to your iden­tity being used for future pub­lic­ity or other purposes.


  1. The deci­sions of the Man­age­ment will be final and bind­ing in all mat­ters between and members.
  2. Laws regard­ing gam­ing vary through­out the world and inter­net casino gam­bling may be unlaw­ful in some juris­dic­tions; it is the respon­si­bil­ity of mem­bers to ensure that they under­stand and com­ply fully with any laws or reg­u­la­tions rel­e­vant to them­selves in their own country/state/locale.
  3. does not under­take to notify mem­bers that they have out­stand­ing bal­ances to collect.
  4. Any wager made by the mem­ber will be ’s lia­bil­ity in respect to any claim or loss.  
  5. shall reserve the right to sus­pend or with­draw any game at its absolute discretion.
  6. All per­sonal details of all mem­bers will be held in con­fi­dence unless mem­bers agree to their iden­ti­ties and details being used for future pub­lic­ity purposes.
  7. reserves the right to at any time, request doc­u­men­ta­tion from a mem­ber before releas­ing a with­drawal or for gen­eral audit­ing or iden­ti­fi­ca­tion purposes.
  8. In the event of the can­cel­la­tion of any game for any rea­son, will not be liable.
  9. will not be liable in the fol­low­ing scenarios:

    In the event of force majeure the fail­ure of the cen­tral com­puter sys­tem or any part thereof for delays, losses, errors, or omis­sions result­ing from fail­ure of any telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions or any other data trans­mis­sion sys­tem for any loss as a result of any act of God for an out­break of hos­til­i­ties, riot, civil dis­tur­bance, acts of ter­ror­ism for the acts of Gov­ern­ment or author­ity (includ­ing refusal or revo­ca­tion of any license or con­sent) for fire, explo­sion, flood, theft, mali­cious dam­age, strike, lock­out, or indus­trial action of any kind.

  1. and the mem­ber shall not com­mit or pur­port to com­mit the other to honor any oblig­a­tion other than is specif­i­cally pro­vided for by these rules.
  2. accepts no lia­bil­ity for any dam­ages, which may be caused to the mem­ber by the inter­cep­tion or mis­use of any infor­ma­tion trans­mit­ted over the internet.
  3. These rules con­sti­tute the entire agree­ment and under­stand­ing between and the member.
  4. The max­i­mum dol­lar amount that may be won by an indi­vid­ual mem­ber on a weekly basis is US$100,000.00.  See below for large par­lays and pro­gres­sive jackpots.
  5. In the event that $50,000 or more of the weekly win­nings is the result of a win­ning a 10, 11 or 12 team par­lay or the $100,000.00 ‘Pick 13’ Par­lay Chal­lenge, then the weekly max­i­mum win­nings is raised to $200,000.
  6. In the event of a mem­ber win­ning in excess of $50,000 on a pro­gres­sive jack­pot in any of the casino games where it is offered, the mem­ber agrees to be pho­tographed while receiv­ing a check from one of our rep­re­sen­ta­tives and gives the exclu­sive right to use the pho­to­graphic mate­r­ial at its own dis­cre­tion.  The weekly limit on win­nings of $100,000 does not apply to pro­gres­sive jack­pot winnings.
  7. Man­age­ment reserves the right to refuse or limit any wager.
  8. Warn­ing:  Gam­bling involves risk.  By gam­bling on this web­site, you run the risk that you may lose money or suf­fer psy­cho­log­i­cal injuries.  You gam­ble at your own risk.


As an inter­na­tion­ally respected online gam­ing com­pany we are com­mit­ted to pro­mot­ing a respon­si­ble atti­tude to gambling.

For most peo­ple gam­bling is enter­tain­ment – an enjoy­able activ­ity that has no harm­ful effect.  But for some it becomes a seri­ous prob­lem.  Com­pul­sive gam­bling is not eas­ily detected and indi­vid­u­als with gam­bling prob­lems will often go to great lengths to dis­guise the addic­tion and the prob­lems that it causes.

We are con­cerned about prob­lem gam­bling.  We will imme­di­ately inac­ti­vate any wager­ing account belong­ing to a mem­ber for whom gam­bling has become a prob­lem and that account will remain per­ma­nently closed.  Fur­ther­more, any new accounts opened by that mem­ber will be inactivated.

Nei­ther do we con­done under­age gam­bling.   Mem­bers must be at least 18 years of age.


Las Vegas rules, reg­u­la­tions, pay­offs and wager types apply where not cov­ered herein.
All sport­ing events must be played on date and site sched­uled unless oth­er­wise spec­i­fied.  Sport­ing events post­poned by more than 12 hours and or resched­uled, will con­sti­tute ‘no-action’, and all money will be cred­ited accordingly.

All bets must be made and accepted before the start of the game/event wagered upon.  Any bet placed or received after the start of the game/event wagered upon will be void.

Man­age­ment reserves the right to limit the max­i­mum amount wagered prior to accep­tance of any bet.  Mem­bers are not per­mit­ted to open mul­ti­ple accounts in order to cir­cum­vent the lim­its imposed by our wager­ing sys­tem.  If mul­ti­ple accounts are used then all bets will be void.
In the event that monies are cred­ited to a member’s account in error, it is incum­bent upon the mem­ber to notify of the error with­out delay.  Any win­nings real­ized after the error, whether directly or indi­rectly sub­se­quent to the error but prior to noti­fi­ca­tion of, shall be void. does not rec­og­nize sus­pended games, protests, scor­ing amend­ments, result rever­sals and over­turned deci­sions for wager­ing purposes.

In order for a bet to be valid, the mem­ber must receive a bet iden­ti­fi­ca­tion num­ber from con­firm­ing that the bet has been accepted.  This num­ber appears via a con­fir­ma­tion mes­sage that will appear on your bet­ting ticket.

In gen­eral, accepted bets can­not be can­celled or amended in any way, either by the mem­ber or by Man­age­ment, except in the fol­low­ing circumstances:

  • In the unusual case that a bet is dupli­cated by the sys­tem (the time-stamp on the two bets will be iden­ti­cal) one of the bets may be voided as long as the mem­ber con­tacts us before the event has taken place.
  • If the mem­ber has placed a bet that is stated as for­bid­den in our House Rules then Man­age­ment reserves the right to void that bet regard­less of whether the game has started or not.
  • If the bet is placed after the result is pub­lic knowl­edge (Exotics, Tele­vi­sion, Pol­i­tics, etc).

Every effort will be made to ensure that all infor­ma­tion avail­able on the inter­net site is accu­rate.  How­ever, if an error is made in the prices or con­di­tions pub­lished on-line, we reserve the right to either cor­rect any mis­takes or to void the affected bets or to set­tle any bets already laid at the cor­rect price.

Win­ners and losers are offi­cial after:

  • Foot­ball — NCAA & NFL — 55 min­utes of play
  • Bas­ket­ball — NBA — 43 min­utes of play
  • Bas­ket­ball — NCAA — 35 min­utes of play
  • Hockey — NHL — 55 min­utes of play
  • All other sport­ing events — 55 min­utes of play
  • Over­time peri­ods, quar­ters or extra innings are counted in the final score when wager­ing on totals, money line and spread betting.
  • On half time wagers, over­time peri­ods are included as part of the 2nd half.
  • Other sports: All other con­tests that involve a sched­uled length of play or time limit must play to their con­clu­sion or have five min­utes or less of the sched­uled play­ing time remain­ing when the con­test con­cludes to be con­sid­ered offi­cial for wager­ing purposes.

All Bets Action:  On cer­tain future (long term) bets there may be a clause stat­ing: ‘All Bets Action’.  This means that the wager will have action whether or not the con­tes­tant on whom you have bet takes part in the tournament/event.  

Live Scores dis­claimer:  We are not respon­si­ble for any inac­cu­ra­cies in scores posted in our live scores.


NFL Sea­son Win Totals’ only include reg­u­lar sea­son games and all 16 reg­u­lar sea­son games must be played for action.  Play-off games and pre-season games do not count for this bet offering.

NCAA Sea­son Win Totals’ only include reg­u­lar sea­son games.  Each team must play their sched­uled 12 reg­u­lar sea­son games.  Cham­pi­onship games and Bowl games do not count for this bet offer­ing.  Teams must play all sched­uled opponents.


Major League Base­ball games are offi­cial after 5 innings of play, or 4½ innings if the home team is lead­ing.  If a game is sub­se­quently called or sus­pended, the win­ner is deter­mined by the score after the last full inning unless the home team ties the score or takes the lead in the bot­tom half of the inning in which the game was sus­pended.  In that case the win­ner will be deter­mined by the score at the time the game is called.  (This rule holds for bet­ting pur­poses even if the game is sus­pended and /or com­pleted on a dif­fer­ent day than it began).

When wager­ing on total runs or run lines, the game must go the reg­u­la­tion 9 innings, or 8½ innings if the home team is lead­ing, oth­er­wise it will con­sti­tute a ‘no-action’ wager, and all money will be cred­ited accordingly.

Base­ball wagers are accepted as ‘Listed.’  In the event of a pitch­ing change prior to the game, all wagers on the game with said listed pitch­ers are con­sid­ered ‘no-action’.  All wagers will be refunded to mem­bers’ accounts as soon as offi­cial con­fir­ma­tion is received allow­ing you to make the bet again with the new pitcher and the new price if you so wish.  Start­ing pitch­ers must throw at least one pitch for wager to be deemed ‘Action’.  Each team’s start­ing pitcher is defined for bet­ting pur­poses as the pitcher who throws the first pitch.

Any and all base­ball series wagers must have all 3 games played by the end of a spec­i­fied date for the wager to have action.  If all 3 games are not played by that spec­i­fied date then all wagers have ‘no-action’, regard­less if one team has 2 wins.  All 3 games must be offi­cial by Las Vegas Gam­ing Stan­dards (see our rules regard­ing base­ball wagers and what con­sti­tutes an offi­cial result).

Note:  Each team’s start­ing pitcher is defined for bet­ting pur­poses as the pitcher that throws the first pitch.
Note:  If we pro­vide a base­ball series price for a series that has 4 games, for grad­ing pur­poses, the wager is based on the ini­tial 3 games.

All base­ball props must go the full 9 innings (8½ if the home team is win­ning) unless oth­er­wise stated.  They also must start with the listed pitch­ers.  If a game is sus­pended and/or com­pleted on a dif­fer­ent day than it began, props will be graded ‘no-action’ unless oth­er­wise stated.

In base­ball, all games that go at least the full 9 innings and fin­ish tied as a result of a sus­pen­sion of play, shall be graded as a push on all money line bets.  How­ever, all run line and total bets will have action.  Note that this is an extremely rare occur­rence.  In the event of a change in Las Vegas rules, will adhere to the deci­sion set forth in Las Vegas.

First Five Innings Bets’ are accepted as ‘listed pitch­ers’ and the game must go a full 5 innings to have action regard­less if the game is called or post­poned after the 5th inning.

Team to Score First’ props are accepted as ‘listed pitch­ers’ and will be graded as soon as the first team has scored and the home team has had a turn at bat.  If the home team scores first, that bet will be graded at that time and bets are action regard­less of game sus­pen­sion or post­pone­ment.   If the vis­it­ing team scores first, the bet will be graded once the home team has com­pleted its turn at bat.

Will there be a Score in the First Inning?’ props are accepted as ‘listed pitch­ers’ and will be graded as soon as the first inning ends.  All bets will be action regard­less of game sus­pen­sion or post­pone­ment, as long as the first inning is completed.

Total Runs + Hits + Errors’ props are accepted as ‘listed pitch­ers’ and the game must go the full 9 innings (8½ if the home team is win­ning) for bets to have action.

For ‘In-Game Bet­ting’ games must go a full 8½ innings for bets to have action.

Base­ball Player and Pitcher Props are accepted as ‘listed pitch­ers’.  The game must go a full 9 innings (8½ if the home team is win­ning) for bets to have action.  If there is a pitch­ing change, all player props for that game will be closed imme­di­ately.  When the game starts and it is con­firmed that a pitcher other than the pitcher listed on the bet threw out the first pitch, those props will have ‘no-action’.  (If the game is sus­pended and/or com­pleted on a dif­fer­ent day than it began, Player/Pitcher Props will have ‘no-action’).

Base­ball Grand Salami: The Base­ball Grand Salami will be decided by the total runs scored in all major-league games sched­uled for that day. All sched­uled games must go at least 9 innings (8.5 if the home team is win­ning). If any sched­uled game is can­celed or stopped before the com­ple­tion of 8.5 innings, all wagers on the Base­ball Grand Salami will be can­celed. No pitch­ers will be listed for the Grand Salami; all wagers will have action regard­less of the start­ing pitchers.


When the bell sounds for the first round, the bout will be con­sid­ered offi­cial, regard­less of the sched­uled length or title. 

The offi­cial stop­ping of a round before the sound­ing of the bell does not con­sti­tute a full round.  A full round is only con­sid­ered for wager­ing pur­poses when the bell sounds sig­ni­fy­ing the end of said round. 

Spe­cial Box­ing Rule: Fights must be run within two months of the spec­i­fied date for your bet to have action.

Box­ing Propo­si­tion Bets

For any propo­si­tion bets the fol­low­ing apply:

  • The rules stated on the card at the time of plac­ing the wager will govern.
  • When the bell sounds for the first round, the bout will be con­sid­ered official.

When wager­ing on ‘Pick the Round’ propo­si­tions, in which you must pick the round in which the bout is won, the fol­low­ing will apply:

  • If the fight ends in a points ver­dict or a draw, the bet­tor loses.
  • If either fighter fails to answer the bell for a round, the fight is adjudged to have fin­ished in the pre­vi­ous round.

How­ever, this does not apply to spe­cific fight props which must come-out as stated, such as a draw, either fighter by knock­out or deci­sion, or a spe­cific round knock­out etc.


For tour­na­ment match-up bet­ting, both play­ers listed in the match-up must tee-off for your bet to be deemed ‘Action’.  The player with the most com­pleted holes wins.  If the play­ers com­plete the same num­ber of holes, then the player with the low­est score wins.  If the play­ers are still tied then the wager shall be deemed ‘no-action’ and all monies will be refunded.  If both golfers in a match-up are in a play­off, the win­ner of play-off wins the match-up.

Should a tour­na­ment be short­ened, or oth­er­wise affected, due to weather con­di­tions the offi­cial result will be used when set­tling, regard­less of the num­ber or rounds played.  How­ever, should there be no fur­ther play after a bet is struck that bet will be void.

Sin­gle day match-ups are wagers on the par­tic­u­lar day’s 18-holes.  Sin­gle Day match-ups do not include holes played as part of a com­ple­tion from the pre­vi­ous day’s round or play­off holes con­sid­ered part of the over­all tour­na­ment score.  Should a day’s round be short­ened, or oth­er­wise affected, due to weather con­di­tions and the round is con­tin­ued the next day, the full 18 holes shall be con­sid­ered in deter­min­ing the out­come of the bet even if they are played over two days.  Both golfers must tee off for action.  If both play­ers end the 18 holes in a tie, the money line wagers shall be refunded and stroke line wagers will be deemed ‘Action’.

For sin­gle round-single player propo­si­tions, all 18 holes must be com­pleted.
For sin­gle round bet­ting on match play tour­na­ments, the players/team must tee off for action.  18 holes do not nec­es­sar­ily need to be played.
Golf Odds to Win: Wagers on a golfer who does not play in the tour­na­ment are graded as ‘no-action’ and all monies refunded (unless oth­er­wise spec­i­fied).  A golfer is deemed to have played once he or she has teed off.  In the event of a player with­draw­ing after hav­ing teed off, wagers on that player will be lost.  
Las Vegas Rules apply for any rules not men­tioned here.

Stroke Line Bet­ting: In golf the lower score wins.  If you bet (-1/2) stroke, your golfer must shoot 1 or more shots lower than the oppo­nent.  If you bet (+1/2) your golfer must shoot the same score or a lower score than the oppo­nent.  Exam­ple: should you bet Singh (-1/2) vs. Mick­el­son and Singh shoots 69, Mick­el­son 70, then Singh (-1/2) is the win­ner. If Singh shoots 69 and Mick­el­son shoots 69, then Mick­el­son (+1/2) is the winner.

Rules for Fin­ish­ing Top 3: In the case of a tie or mul­ti­ple play­ers fin­ish­ing in the top 3 posi­tion, wagers will be paid using our Dead Heat Rule.


All soc­cer bets will be set­tled on 90 min­utes of play.  This includes any time added by the ref­eree in respect of injuries and other stop­pages.  In major knock-out tour­na­ments, for exam­ple the lat­ter stages of the World Cup, where a win­ner is required in order to progress to the next leg, bets are still set­tled on 90 min­utes of play.  Extra Time, Golden Goals and Penalty Shoot-Outs do not count.
Match details, such as dates and kick-off times, dis­played on the web­site are for guid­ance only and may be amended or taken off the board at any time.  Soc­cer bets will have no-action if the match is offi­cially post­poned with no make-up date announced or if the make-up date is more than 48 hours away.
If a match is aban­doned and/or sus­pended all bets shall be void unless the rel­e­vant wager­ing option has already been decided.  For exam­ple, a bet on the ‘First Goal Scorer’ will stand if a goal has already been scored. 

Where a venue is changed, bets will stand unless the game is to be played at the orig­i­nal away team’s ground in which case all bets will be voided.

For soc­cer wager­ing, in order to place your bet cor­rectly you must pre­dict the result of at least one game choos­ing either:

  • the Home team,
  • the Away team or
  • a draw. 

Should you par­lay mul­ti­ple games together, you must win all games in the par­lay in order to col­lect any winnings.

Bets taken on ‘Half Time Results’ will be set­tled on 45 min­utes of the first half plus any added injury time or stop­page time.

Bets taken on ‘2nd Half Lines’ will be set­tled on 45 min­utes of the Sec­ond half plus any added injury time or stop­page time. Extra Time, Golden Goals and Penalty Shoot-Outs do not count. Goals scored in the first half do not count toward the sec­ond half wager.

Bets taken on ‘First Goal Scorer’ will be void if the player does not take part in the game or enters the game after a goal has already been scored.

Bets taken on ‘Last Goal Scorer’ will be void if the player does not play or enters the game as a substitute.

Bets taken on ‘Draw No Bet’ must pre­dict which team wins the match in reg­u­lar time (90 min­utes plus any time added by the ref­eree in respect of injuries and other stop­pages).  In the event of the match end­ing in a draw (tie), bets will have ‘no action’.

Future bets placed on ‘Odds to Win’ must pre­dict the team win­ning the divi­sion, league or any other tour­na­ment and will be paid as soon as the said divi­sion, league or tour­na­ment has finished.

Bets taken on ‘Cor­rect Score’ must pre­dict the match score at the end of reg­u­lar time (90 min­utes plus any time added by the ref­eree in respect of injuries and other stoppages).

Bets taken on ‘Dou­ble Chance’ must pre­dict the out­come of the match based on three selec­tions, either:

  • the Home or Away team wins,
  • the Home team wins or draws or
  • the Away team wins or draws.

Bets taken on ‘Half with Most Goals’ must pre­dict which half has most goals scored by either team in reg­u­lar time (90 min­utes plus any time added by the ref­eree in respect of injuries and other stoppages).

When bet­ting on ‘Dou­ble Result’ (half time-full time) you must pre­dict the result at half time and at the end of nor­mal time (90 minutes).

When bet­ting on ‘Goals: odds or even’ you must pre­dict if the total score by both teams ends up as an odd or an even num­ber.  A 0–0 score counts as an even num­ber.  Bets will be set­tled on 90 min­utes of play plus any time added by the ref­eree in respect of injuries and other stoppages.

Bets taken on ‘Kick Off Bet’ must pre­dict which team will kick-off the match.  Odds will be taken off the board 15 min­utes before the match’s start­ing time.

When bet­ting on ‘Soc­cer Spe­cial Props’ or ‘Match Spe­cials’ you are required to pre­dict the team or teams to win the game, event, tour­na­ment, com­pe­ti­tions, match-up or any other sit­u­a­tion within the game.  Any can­celled or post­poned game will cause the entire event to have ‘no action’.  Soc­cer Spe­cials will be set­tled on 90 min­utes of play.

When bet­ting on ‘Asian Hand­i­cap’ you are essen­tially bet­ting on a point spread.  Asian Hand­i­cap offers only two bet­ting options rather than the three pos­si­ble out­comes nor­mally offered on a soc­cer game (namely home, away or draw).

A  +0.5    (1.95)
B   –0.5    (1.95)

In this exam­ple, if you bet on team A they must win or draw the match for you to win your bet.  If you bet on team B they must win by at least one goal for you to win your bet.

Bet­ting on one of just two out­comes makes things sim­pler and it also allows you to get a bet­ter price when bet­ting on the favorite.  Where offered, the Asian hand­i­cap will always include a half-ball, i.e. the spread will be +/- 0.5, +/- 1.5 or higher.  All Asian Hand­i­cap bets are based on reg­u­lar time (90 min­utes plus any time added by the ref­eree in respect of injuries and other stoppages).

In a ‘Fan­tasy Soc­cer Match-up’ two teams com­pete vir­tu­ally.  The win­ner of this match-up is the team that scores the most goals on the actual match-day against a real oppo­nent.  Only goals are counted, vic­tory or loss is irrelevant.

For exam­ple: On a par­tic­u­lar day Man­ches­ter United plays Man­ches­ter City and Chelsea plays Bolton.
You choose to bet on a Fan­tasy Match-up, Man­ches­ter United vs. Chelsea.

Man­ches­ter United win their match 1–0 against Man­ches­ter City, while Chelsea loses 2–4 to Bolton.  How­ever, Chelsea would win the Fan­tasy Match-up with a 2 –1 score.

Beach Soc­cer: Beach Soc­cer is based on 36 min­utes of play (3 peri­ods of 12 min­utes) fol­lowed by extra peri­ods and penalty shots, if nec­es­sary, to decide who wins the match.  Bets are graded on nor­mal reg­u­la­tion time (36 min­utes plus any time added by the ref­eree in respect of injuries and other stop­pages).  Extra Time and Penalty Shoot-Outs do not count for wager­ing purposes.

Fut­sal: All bets on Fut­sal matches are based on the score at the end of 40 min­utes’ play unless oth­er­wise stated or if the rel­e­vant wager­ing option has already been decided.  Extra Time and Penalty Shootouts do not count.  If a match is aban­doned and/or sus­pended before the com­ple­tion of 40 min­utes’ play, all bets shall be void unless the rel­e­vant wager­ing option has already been decided.  All bets on matches that are post­poned, rearranged or moved to a dif­fer­ent venue shall be void.


For Cricket games, if the match is short­ened by the weather, bets will be gov­erned by the offi­cial com­pe­ti­tion rules.


For wager­ing pur­poses, win­ners and losers are deter­mined by the final score, pro­vided that the game has gone the min­i­mum time as spec­i­fied above.

Over­time: For wager­ing on games in the National Hockey League, the final score includes over­time. Regard­less of the num­ber of goals scored dur­ing the shootout por­tion of over­time, the final score recorded for the game will give the win­ning team one more goal than the score at the end of reg­u­la­tion time.
Per­sonal Player Stats and other Stats achieved dur­ing an NHL Shootout are not taken into account for cer­tain propo­si­tion bets, for exam­ple: Player Total Shot on Goals, Player Total Points, Player Total Goals, Team to Score First, Team to Score Last.

Las Vegas rules, reg­u­la­tions, pay­offs and wager types apply where not cov­ered herein.


For Rugby Games, if any match is aban­doned or post­poned all bets will be void, except bets on the first try scorer if a try has been scored prior to abandonment.

Where a venue is changed, bets will stand unless the game is to be played at the orig­i­nal away team’s ground in which case all bets will be void.


For ten­nis match bet­ting, two full sets must be com­pleted for wagers to stand.  If less than two sets are com­pleted then all wagers will be con­sid­ered ‘no-action’.  In the event of any of the fol­low­ing cir­cum­stances tak­ing place, all bets will stand:

  • a change of play­ing surface
  • a change of venue
  • a change from indoor court to out­door court or vice versa
  • match is delayed/postponed until a later date due to inclement weather. 


When plac­ing a wager on ‘Odds to Win’ a race, wagers shall be deemed ‘no-action’ should the dri­ver not start the race.  For a motor sports match-up to be deemed ‘Action’ both dri­vers must start the race.  The start of any motor race is defined as the sig­nal to start the warm-up lap.  The offi­cial win­ner at the con­clu­sion of the race will be the win­ner for bet­ting pur­poses.  In League Cham­pi­onship wager­ing, dri­vers must race in at least one race dur­ing the sea­son to be deemed ‘Action’. 

Spe­cial Motor­sport Rule: Races must be run within eight (8) days of the sched­uled date for your bet to have action.

The web­site is our offi­cial source for the grad­ing of all NASCAR wagers.  The race must com­plete the sched­uled num­ber of laps and/or dis­tance for spe­cific propo­si­tion wagers (per­tain­ing to num­ber of laps and/or dis­tance) to be deemed ‘Action’.  Match-ups, fin­ish­ing posi­tion props and future wagers will still have action regardless.

Rules for Fin­ish­ing Top 3:  In the case of a tie or mul­ti­ple play­ers fin­ish­ing in the top 3 posi­tion, wagers will be paid using our Dead Heat Rule.

For­mula 1: At least 15 dri­vers must start the race for action.


In the event of a tie in NCAA con­fer­ence wager­ing, the team enter­ing the con­fer­ence tour­na­ment ‘seeded’ higher shall be deemed the winner.


No par­lay wagers can be accepted where indi­vid­ual wagers are ‘con­nected’, ‘depen­dent’ or ‘cor­re­lated’. Using a base­ball game as an exam­ple, let’s say you want to take the Boston Red Sox to win on the money-line and the Boston Red Sox on the run-line. If the Boston Red Sox win the game, it is also likely that they will win by at least two runs there­fore the selec­tions are said to be ‘cor­re­lated’ and can­not be par­layed together. For the same rea­son, we do not allow the favorite/underdog on the run line and the over/under of the same game to be placed in the same parlay.

In the same way, you can­not par­lay the line for the first half of a foot­ball game with the line for the whole game or the total for the first half of a foot­ball game with the total for the whole game, as the two are ‘depen­dent’. Less obvi­ously, but nonethe­less cor­re­lated, are the favorite/underdog on the spread and the over/under of the same game placed together in a par­lay or teaser bet when the spread is greater than or equal to 30% of the total.


In the event of a dead heat (a tie), stakes will be divided by the num­ber of selec­tions that have tied, with the divided stake set­tled at full odds.  Remain­ing stakes are lost.  If the tie was a bet­ting option, then the dead heat rule does not apply.  The dead heat rule only applies to ‘future’ wagers.  For exam­ple, if there is a 3 way tie for the top scorer in a bas­ket­ball game, then your win­nings are cal­cu­lated by tak­ing your stake, divid­ing it by 3, and mul­ti­ply­ing that amount by the odds on your bet­ting ticket.


Buy­ing points allows you to change the point-spread or total of a foot­ball or bas­ket­ball game. 
You can move the point-spread so you get more points when bet­ting the under­dog or you give away fewer points when bet­ting the favorite.  For each half point that you change the point spread you need to pay an extra 10c.

So, for exam­ple, if you are bet­ting the Lak­ers –5 –110 (lay $110 to win $100), you can buy the Lak­ers a half point to –4.5 –120 (lay $120 to win $100). You can buy the Lak­ers a full point to –4 –130 (lay $130 to win $100).

The same the­ory is true for the under­dog.  If the Bulls are +4 –110, you buy the game to +4.5 –120 or +5 –130.

You can only buy a max­i­mum of 3 points in Foot­ball and Bas­ket­ball, both Col­lege and Pro­fes­sional.
There are two spe­cial rules:

  1. When buy­ing on or off the num­ber 3 in the Pro Foot­ball, there is a pre­mium cost of 25c, not 10c.  So, for exam­ple, to move the Charg­ers from –3 –110 to –2.5, the new line will be –2.5 –135 (lay $135 to win $100).  The same is true for the under­dog, to buy Bears from +3 –110 to +3.5 will be –135 (lay $135 to win $110).
  2. On half, reduced or no juice games or half, reduced or no juice days, there are addi­tional pre­mium costs for buy­ing points:

 a) In col­lege foot­ball there is a 5c addi­tional charge per half point pur­chased.
 b) For buy­ing on or off the num­ber 7 in col­lege foot­ball, the pre­mium is 25c.
 c) In pro­fes­sional foot­ball there is a 5c addi­tional charge per half point pur­chased.
 d)  For buy­ing on or off the num­bers 3 or 7 in pro­fes­sional foot­ball, the pre­mium is 25c.
Please note: these pre­mium costs for buy­ing points apply from 12:01am to 11:59pm EST on the spec­i­fied half, reduced or no juice day.


The fol­low­ing terms and con­di­tions apply to all free bets:

  • One wager per member.
  • You must have funds in your wager­ing account to cover the cost of the free bet (usu­ally $10) and this will be refunded. 
  • All sides must play in order for the bet to have action.
  • In case of tie, all bets will have ‘no-action’.
  • Wager­ing on both sides of this free bet or open­ing mul­ti­ple accounts to take advan­tage of this offer will result in non-payment of all free wagers in the related accounts and a $5 penalty charge per free wager and may result in the dis­abling of the accounts and for­fei­ture of winnings.
  • The free bets are open to all active mem­bers who make a min­i­mum of 5 sports wagers per week or total action of $50 in poker, casino or horses per week.  Mak­ing only free bets may result in the dis­abling of the accounts and for­fei­ture of winnings.


In the event of a mem­ber win­ning in excess of $50,000 on a Pro­gres­sive Jack­pot in any of the casino games where a jack­pot is offered, the mem­ber agrees to be pho­tographed while receiv­ing a check from one of our rep­re­sen­ta­tives and gives the exclu­sive right to use the pho­to­graphic mate­r­ial at its own dis­cre­tion.   The weekly limit on win­nings of $100,000 does not apply to pro­gres­sive jack­pot win­nings. reserves the right to change the casino set­tings and pay­outs with­out any fore­warn­ing to the mem­bers at any given time.

Wager­ing in any of the casino games listed below does not count towards any bonus rollover require­ments and shall make all deci­sions with regard to the appli­ca­tion and reten­tion of bonuses:

  • Black­Jack Switch
  • Black­jack 52
  • Amer­i­can Roulette
  • Euro­pean Roulette
  • Mini Roulette
  • Bac­carat
  • Pai Gow Poker
  • Craps
  • Touch­down Frenzy
  • Foot­ball Frenzy
  • Red Dog
  • Sic Bo
  • Bat­tle Royale

Note:  For gen­eral casino dis­putes we pro­vide a record that con­tains the bet amount, run­ning bal­ance, game type, Round ID and time for each sin­gle casino round only.   Every casino round has a unique Round ID and mem­bers should pro­vide it in their casino claim.   Due to tech­nol­ogy con­straints we can only pro­vide the mem­ber with the card/number/dice details and out­comes for a lim­ited num­ber of casino rounds only (25 rounds max­i­mum).  If a unique Round ID or exact time for a par­tic­u­lar casino round is not pro­vided by the mem­ber we can­not guar­an­tee the funds will be reim­bursed.
All of the casino games on are TST cer­ti­fied (see TST site logo dis­played on our pages).


Pro­vid­ing a safe and secure envi­ron­ment is essen­tial to play­ers enjoy­ing their online poker expe­ri­ence.  At Poker we are able to achieve this by ensur­ing cards are dealt ran­domly and tak­ing the nec­es­sary steps to elim­i­nate cheat­ing. Poker is part of the Cake Poker network.

The solu­tion cho­sen for Ran­dom Num­ber Generator/Shuffling is crit­i­cal to ensur­ing a fair game for all play­ers in the Poker room.  The Ran­dom Num­ber Gen­er­a­tor ensures the even dis­tri­b­u­tion of cards whereby no sequence or rela­tion­ship can be dis­cov­ered in any way.  The RNG solu­tion used in the Poker room is the cryptographically-secure RNG sys­tem found in Microsoft’s Cryp­toAPI. Poker is part of the Cake Poker network.

Any player using racist, deroga­tory or abu­sive lan­guage on the chat within the Poker room will have his/her chat priv­i­leges removed and may be banned from the Poker room.  Only the Eng­lish lan­guage is per­mit­ted on the chat.  Nei­ther shall the prac­tices of beg­ging, solic­i­ta­tion or chat-flooding be tolerated.

Bonuses for Poker play shall be awarded and earned out in $10 incre­ments within the Poker room.  Once a por­tion of a bonus has been earned it may be removed from the Poker room.

The ran­dom num­ber gen­er­a­tor (“RNG”) will deter­mine the out­come of the games or other pro­mo­tions that uti­lize the “RNG”.  Fur­ther­more, in the event of a dis­crep­ancy between the result show­ing on the soft­ware and the gam­ing server, the result show­ing on the gam­ing server shall be the offi­cial and gov­ern­ing result of the game.


  • Any player found to be tam­per­ing with the poker soft­ware will be banned per­ma­nently from the Poker room.
  • The use of Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence or “bots” is strictly forbidden.
  • Any play­ers found to be col­lud­ing or par­tic­i­pat­ing in uneth­i­cal play will be banned per­ma­nently from the Poker room.
  • Any funds gained by cheat­ing will be confiscated.

HORSE RACING MODULE offers daily rac­ing from tracks within the USA and Canada via the rac­ing mod­ule which is acces­si­ble once you have logged-in to your wager­ing account.

We accept wagers up until post time. We can­not assume lia­bil­ity for wagers that are unsuc­cess­fully entered before post time. Only wagers con­firmed are accepted. Please check the Tickets/Balance screen on the Reports tab before log­ging out, in order to con­firm that your wagers were accepted. Once you con­firm a bet online, your wager is con­sid­ered final.

Bets shall not be accepted after post-time. In the event that the race begins before the adver­tised post-time and for that rea­son (or any other rea­son) you are able to place a wager after the race has started, that wager will be void.

Odds and Lim­its
Win, Place, Show wagers pay full track odds. All Exotic wagers pay full track odds up to a max­i­mum pay out of CLICK HERE. There are no house odds. If there are no track pay­offs for a cer­tain type of wager, all wagers on that type will be refunded.

The lim­its per ticket are as follows:

  • Win and place wagers: a max­i­mum of $1,000.00
  • Show wagers: a max­i­mum of $500.00
  • Exotic wager com­bi­na­tions: up to a max­i­mum sum of $1,000.00

Track Lim­its and Cat­e­gories
Click Here for Track Lim­its

Ticket Pay-out Limit Rule
$20000 on Cat­e­gory A Tracks
$15000 on Cat­e­gory B Tracks
$10000 on Cat­e­gory C Tracks
$3000 on Cat­e­gory D Tracks

If a horse is scratched, all Win/Place/Show wagers placed via the rac­ing inter­face will be refunded. (This does not apply to ‘Odds to Win’ bets placed via the sports­book. On those bets a scratch counts as a loss).

Only the por­tion of Exacta/Trifecta/Superfecta/Quinella com­bos that con­tain the scratched horse will be refunded.

In case a horse is con­sid­ered a Non Starter by the track, that horse will be con­sid­ered a scratch and refunded accordingly.

In exotics wagers (Exacta, Tri­fecta, Super­fecta, Quinella) scratches will be refunded. We do not honor “ALL” pay­outs in any exotic wager. If there is an “all” pay­out, this will be replaced by the horse that came in that posi­tion right­fully and wagers will be graded accordingly.

On Daily Dou­bles, Pick 3 and Pick 4 wagers, a scratch will result in an auto­matic refund of the com­bi­na­tion includ­ing the scratched horse.

There will be no con­so­la­tion pay­outs, spe­cial pay­outs such as 2 out of 3 and/or Pick 3 out of 4 in a Pick 3 or Pick 4 will be con­sid­ered con­so­la­tion pay­outs, when­ever that hap­pens the Pick 3 and/or Pick 4 will be paid with the right­ful win­ner for each race involved in the Pick 3 and/or Pick 4

Offi­cial Source of Results
For thor­ough­bred rac­ing we use as our offi­cial source of results. For har­ness rac­ing we use or the tracks’ websites.

In the event of a dis­crep­ancy, we will con­tact the track for the offi­cial result.

Daily Rebate
A rebate of 3% will be paid on all Win, Place and Show bets and 8% on Exotic wagers on a daily basis. There are no min­i­mum daily vol­ume require­ments and there is no max­i­mum on how much you can earn. No rebate will be given on can­celled wagers or wagers refunded due to a scratch.

Impor­tant Note: 3% & 8% Rebates only applies to wagers placed through the horse wager­ing inter­face. It does not apply to any matchups or other wagers made through the sports­book login.

**Win, Place and Show wagers that pay $2.20 or less are not eli­gi­ble for a rebate.


If, as part of a pro­mo­tion offered by, you receive bet­ting cash, you can only use such amount as wagers for play­ing in the games offered by the com­pany.  You are not enti­tled to with­draw such amounts and we reserve the right to reclaim those amounts if you do not use them to play the games dur­ing the period spec­i­fied in the promotion.

Only mem­bers of can redeem pro­mo­tional prizes and win­nings from pro­mo­tions.
If you have more than one bet­ting account, all pro­mo­tional cred­its and/or win­nings will be null and void and they will be deducted from your account.

If a mem­ber wagers both sides of a game using a pro­mo­tional bet (to bet at the same time on the favorite and the under­dog) or using bonus money, con­sid­ers that to be fraud­u­lent behav­ior.  This includes mak­ing bets of this nature in two or more of our affil­i­ated web­sites.  Any money won play­ing both sides of the game will be deducted, together with any other pro­mo­tional money deposited in the member’s account. reserves the right to mod­ify any pro­mo­tion rules or can­cel pro­mo­tions at its own discretion.


Mem­bers are not per­mit­ted to open mul­ti­ple accounts (either within itself or affil­i­ated web­sites) in order to cir­cum­vent the lim­its imposed by our wager­ing sys­tem.  Per­form­ing such an action may trig­ger an audit of the member’s accounts.  If mul­ti­ple accounts have been used then all bets may be voided, accounts may be inac­ti­vated and win­nings may be forfeited.


It is your respon­si­bil­ity to ensure that we have your cur­rent address on file at all times.  You may only have one address on file at a time, and this address MUST match the billing address of ALL cards that have been used in the account.  Any fail­ure on your part to do this may result in an audit on your account.

Before mak­ing a deposit and to avoid unnec­es­sary delays in pro­cess­ing your pay­outs, please make sure your address is cor­rect and that it matches bank records.  In the event that we are not able to ver­ify your account infor­ma­tion you may be required to sub­mit addi­tional doc­u­men­ta­tion for this pur­pose.  This may include the following:

  • A pho­to­copy of your pic­ture ID (e.g. Driver’s License, passport)
  • Pho­to­copies (front and back) of your credit cards
  • A credit card state­ment or util­ity bill
  • A credit card ver­i­fi­ca­tion form
  • Imprint of your credit card

When request­ing a with­drawal, please ensure that your cur­rent address is cor­rect and up-to-date, also ensure we have received and ver­i­fied all the required “Know Your Cus­tomer” doc­u­ments at least 72 hours prior to mak­ing your request; we will need you to pro­vide us with a copy of a valid form of ID and a copy of a util­ity bill show­ing your name and address. Depend­ing on your method of with­drawal, we may need to pro­vide these doc­u­ments to our pay­ment proces­sor prior to pro­cess­ing your with­drawal.  If a stop-payment request is nec­es­sary due to an out-of-date address, it will be your respon­si­bil­ity to assume the stop pay­ment fees of a min­i­mum of $50.


The max­i­mum num­ber of credit cards allowed for use in one account is five.

All cards used on an account must be in the name of the member.


All bets made on, in the Casino or the Poker Room, are placed over the inter­net which reaches vir­tu­ally every coun­try in the world.   Some juris­dic­tions have not addressed the legal­ity of inter­net gam­ing, some have specif­i­cally legalised inter­net gam­ing, while oth­ers may take the posi­tion that inter­net wager­ing or gam­ing is ille­gal.  In prac­ti­cal terms, it is impos­si­ble for to deter­mine the state of the law in every coun­try, state and province around the world on an ongo­ing basis.  There­fore, by click­ing the “I agree” but­ton, you are acknowl­edg­ing that it is respon­si­bil­ity of each indi­vid­ual to deter­mine the law that applies in the juris­dic­tion in which he or she is present and that accord­ingly (a) you have deter­mined what the laws are in your juris­dic­tion; and (b) it is legal for you to place a bet via the inter­net and for to receive your bet via the internet. is incor­po­rated in and con­ducts busi­ness from the coun­try of Curaçao, Nether­lands Antilles. holds a license to con­duct on-line wager­ing and gam­ing under the laws of the Nether­lands Antilles and oper­ates under the License of Gam­ing Ser­vices Provider, NV, as an infor­ma­tion provider legally autho­rized to con­duct online gam­ing oper­a­tions.  All bets with are con­sid­ered to be placed and received in Curaçao.  Any mat­ter to be adju­di­cated shall be deter­mined uti­liz­ing the laws of Curaçao.
Should there be any dis­crep­ancy in the legal­ity of any trans­ac­tions between you and, or any of its affil­i­ates, the mat­ter shall be deter­mined by a court of com­pe­tent juris­dic­tion in the coun­try of Curaçao.

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