2008 January at Linesmaker

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Basketball Sports Betting Lines

Bas­ket­ball Sports Bet­ting Lines Odd­s­mak­ers Pre­pare for Another Sea­son The NBA is ready­ing for another sea­son, and the odd­s­mak­ers and the sports bet­ting investors are prepar­ing them­selves for the lat­est bas­ket­ball sports bet­ting lines. The NBA play­offs were a ho-hum affair after the San Anto­nio Spurs defeated the Phoenix Suns for the West­ern Con­fer­ence title. The Spurs then cake­walked to the Cham­pi­onship as they humil­i­ated the Cleve­land Cav­a­liers in four straight games to take yet another title back to San Anto­nio. San Anto­nio... 

Churchill Downs Betting Online

The Most Watched Race — Churchill Downs Bet­ting Online The antic­i­pa­tion of the 2008 Ken­tucky Derby has expec­ta­tions for the Churchill Downs bet­ting online totals to eas­ily sur­pass any num­bers accu­mu­lated in past years. The Ken­tucky Derby is the most watched horse race around the world, and the home of the race, the ven­er­a­ble Churchill Downs race track, is the per­fect set­ting for this annual his­toric event. While Churchill Downs was one of the ini­tial race tracks to imple­ment com­put­er­ized bet­ting more than half a cen­tury ago, no one would... 

Online Casino Gambling

Tips for Online Casino Gam­bling The online casino gam­bling indus­try also brings tremen­dous amounts of income for the munic­i­pal­i­ties they call home. For areas that are starv­ing for eco­nomic stim­uli, online casino gam­bling brings in tourists and it pro­vides employ­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties and monies to fund improve­ment pro­grams, such as roads and housing. The pic­ture of the gam­bling indus­try back in the 1950’s and 1960’s in which the mob influ­ences con­trolled all aspects of the gam­bling indus­try has dis­si­pated over the years. Online casino gam­bling... 

Football Betting Internet

Do Your Research on Foot­ball Bet­ting Internet Any­body can get lucky once but stay­ing edu­cated on every team in the NFL will assure you of a bet­ter chance of suc­cess when bet­ting on football. Many gam­blers are recre­ational but there are some that get very seri­ous about foot­ball bet­ting. Inter­net gam­bling sites such as Lines­Maker Sports­book offer valu­able infor­ma­tion for these types of gamblers. Many fans will study foot­ball in the reg­u­lar sea­son and will not actu­ally have a good feel until mid­sea­son when foot­ball bet­ting. Inter­net sites... 

March Madness Point Spread

The Best March Mad­ness Point Spread Infor­ma­tion Whether it is March Mad­ness Point Spread or other pro and NCAA sports, you will find a unique selec­tion of odds and bet­ting options. Get the lat­est sports bet­ting lines and for more info on March Mad­ness Point Spread, Lines­Maker will deliver a supe­rior col­lege bas­ket­ball bet­ting experience.  

Basketball Gambling Online

Bas­ket­ball Gam­bling Great Play for the Informed Investor The 2007–2008 National Bas­ket­ball Association’s (aka NBA) sea­son promises to be an excit­ing and unpre­dictable one. The dili­gent sports bet­tor who does his early research on the NBA teams can have a stel­lar year of bas­ket­ball gam­bling, online or in casino sports­book par­lors in Vegas. It didn’t take a rocket sci­en­tist last year to fig­ure out the win­ner of the Phoenix Suns—San Anto­nio Spurs West­ern Con­fer­ence Cham­pi­onship Series would even­tu­ally be crowned the NBA Cham­pi­ons.... 

Bet on NCAA Football

Bet on NCAA Foot­ball to win! There are many rea­sons to bet on col­lege foot­ball. There are also many ways to fail if you don’t do your research. Do your research right and you can win some money, don’t do any and you risk losing. There are many rea­sons to bet on NCAA foot­ball. One of them being that you can win some money while enjoy­ing the most pop­u­lar, fast paced game in our sports world today. Did you know that more peo­ple show up for spring prac­tices for NCAA foot­ball pro­grams than they do for the NFL Play­offs? The game of col­lege foot­ball is vastly grow­ing... 

Soccer Betting Online

Soc­cer Bet­ting Online Means Rich Rewards The inter­na­tional soc­cer fans take their sport extremely seri­ously. These fans are a spe­cial breed, and their emo­tional involve­ment with their favorite teams often trans­lates into a finan­cial back­ing. There are many out­stand­ing online web­sites that do an excel­lent job in pre­sent­ing the lines for wager­ing for the fans. Soc­cer bet­ting online is a big busi­ness and mil­lions of dol­lars exchange hands each year on these bets. There are so many pro­fes­sional leagues, and so many teams and games, that the dili­gent... 

Football Betting Grid

  Foot­ball Bet­ting Grid: A Unique List­ing of Games The sport of foot­ball has always had a way of bring­ing peo­ple together. The foot­ball bet­ting grid is a unique list­ing of foot­ball games for the pur­pose of bet­ting. The win­ner of the grid wins the invest­ment monies. The foot­ball bet­ting grid has always been part of the Amer­i­can sport­ing tra­di­tion. It has actu­ally brought fam­i­lies and peo­ple work­ing in the same envi­ron­ment closer together, and it has had the effect of meld­ing indi­vid­u­als into of a team. The foot­ball bet­ting grid... 

NCAA Football Gambling Line

NCAA Foot­ball Gam­bling Line: Do your Research As the 2007 col­lege NCAA Divi­sion I foot­ball sea­son approaches, the sports bet­ting investors around the world are start­ing the process of research and study on the teams. Foot­ball bet­tors are attracted to the NCAA foot­ball gam­bling line. These teams all start off fresh each sea­son with their ros­ters full of new names that match indi­vid­u­als whose tal­ents have remained untapped until now. Coaches and their staffs have spent untold hours review­ing tapes in order to devise what they hope will be win­ning offen­sive... 


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CFB Auburn 7.5 (-110)
NFL Eagles -7.0 (-105)
CFB FloridaSt -7.5 (-110)
CFB BowlingGreen -5.0 (-110)
NFL Cowboys 7.0 (-115)
CFB NIllinois 0.0 (-110)
CFB Auburn +220
CFB UtahSt 0.0 (-110)
CFB PittsburghU 5.0 (-110)
MMA Anderson Silva -185


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