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Advantages of Mobile Sports Betting

With the advent in mobile tech­nol­ogy, mobile hand­sets allow us to do much more than just com­mu­ni­cat­ing with other peo­ple. The era of smart phones have brought lot many changes in the way we use our mobile devices, which are almost per­form­ing many tasks as our PC or lap­top. Mobile sports bet­ting is another rev­o­lu­tion­ary addi­tion to these tasks. If you still haven’t become a part of the mobile bet­ting rev­o­lu­tion, then you should try it. If not just for con­ve­nience but also for all other ben­e­fits, it offers. Think of the prospect of bet­ting from... 

The Zig Zag Theory for NBA Betting

Bas­ket­ball is one such game that relies heav­ily on home advan­tage mostly dur­ing the NBA play­offs. This makes it suit­able for zig zag the­ory, which abides by the 2–2-1–1-1 for­mat. This the­ory used by many NBA bet­ting enthu­si­asts is called zig zag due to its ten­dency of going up and down. Accord­ing to this the­ory, every game that a bet­tor picks for NBA play­off bet­ting series is influ­enced by the out­come of pre­ced­ing game. This the­ory is not applic­a­ble on the NBA finals as they fol­low the 2–3-2 format. If sta­tis­tics are to be believed... 

Super Bowl Betting: Gearing up for the Giants vs. Patriots Battle

It’s time to gear up for the Super Bowl XLVI, the much awaited time of the NFL bet­ting sea­son. All Super Bowl bet­ting fans are busy con­tem­plat­ing who is gonna take the Cup. Will it be Eli Man­ning, who had his num­ber in the pre­vi­ous bat­tle against the Patri­ots? Or is it going to be Tom Brady who has a stel­lar QB career to his credit? Con­sid­er­ing the past per­for­mances of both teams, the Patri­ots failed to stand against one of the best defenses in the NFL, whereas the Giants ral­lied over the best defense in the NFC. The main chal­lenge for the New York Giants... 

NBA Betting: Tips for NBA Playoffs

Bet­ting on pro­fes­sional bas­ket­ball is con­sid­ered among the most chal­leng­ing options for the bet­tors. The pur­suit of suc­cess becomes even tougher dur­ing the play­offs. This is a cru­cial time for the NBA bet­ting enthu­si­asts as they become busy in look­ing for value and favor­able NBA lines. As all teams have already shown their weak and strong points in the reg­u­lar sea­son by the time the play­off sea­son begins, it becomes all the more impor­tant for the bet­tor to ana­lyze the defen­sive poten­tial of each team. The teams with bet­ter defense will... 

Why Focus on Small Conferences in NCAA Basketball Betting?

Col­lege bas­ket­ball involves some of the soft­est bet­ting lines in gam­bling. The main rea­son behind this is the mid­dle and small con­fer­ences. It not that these con­fer­ences have any­thing spe­cial about them, in fact these are way too less impor­tant to even get noticed in front of the big­ger con­fer­ences. How­ever, what makes them impor­tant is the fact that the odd­s­mak­ers have dif­fi­culty in fol­low­ing these many leagues, which in turn proves to be a bonus for NCAA bas­ket­ball bet­ting experts. It’s easy to see why, as dur­ing col­lege bas­ket­ball... 

Sports Betting Tips: Pros and Cons of Betting Through Phone

See­ing the new phe­nom­e­non of more and more bet­tors opt­ing for phone bet­ting, we decided to look at the pros and cons of bet­ting via phone, and see if it’s any bet­ter than online sports bet­ting. Begin­ning with the pros, the biggest advan­tage of phone bet­ting is immense flex­i­bil­ity of bet­ting any­time and any­where. More­over, the bet­tors have larger lim­its along with hav­ing the ben­e­fit of inter­act­ing directly with the sports­book, which means enhanced credibility. Speak­ing about the cons of sports bet­ting via phone, you might have to wait... 

Understanding the Concept of Yield in Sports Betting

Who doesn’t want to reap huge prof­its from gam­bling? The quest for bet­ting strate­gies that offer guar­an­teed returns on the sports­book is some­thing that is never-ending.  No won­der that sports bet­ting enthu­si­asts make use of var­i­ous resources like free bet­ting tips, pre­dic­tions, bet­ting picks etc. to make a more informed bet rather than sim­ply rely­ing on their intu­ition and expe­ri­ence. How­ever, there is another impor­tant aspect of bet­ting, known as yield, which can help one to ana­lyze their knowl­edge and skill to pre­dict the out­come... 

Sport Betting Tips: Cover Style of Gambling

‘Cover’ is a pop­u­lar term asso­ci­ated with sports bet­ting but the main rea­son behind its pop­u­lar­ity is yet to be dis­cov­ered. Some of the ben­e­fits that cover style of bet­ting include are its abil­ity to limit the risk involved in bet­ting, small need of ini­tial cap­i­tal, fast money involved and last but not the least, abil­ity to be uti­lized with all forms of three bet­ting vari­ants. You’ll be able to uti­lize this style of bet­ting in all forms of sports­book bet­ting given that the game has in total three vari­ants as the out­come, i.e. the host... 

MLB Betting Tips: Pitching for the Right Stats

Base­ball is quite pop­u­lar among bet­tors when it comes to sports bet­ting and under­stand­ing the sta­tis­tics is very impor­tant in this sport to ensure con­sis­tent suc­cess. How­ever, it is very impor­tant that you have the right stats with you. Many MLB bet­ting enthu­si­asts make the mis­take of using only the gen­eral sta­tis­tics that can be found all over the inter­net or the news­pa­pers. On the other hand, pros will look for other vital stats as well. Over­do­ing the start­ing pitch­ers’ record alone won’t do any good. You also need to check other... 

NFL Betting Tips: Understanding Yards Per Point System

Foot­ball has always been the favorite sport among bet­tors when it comes to sports bet­ting. There are numer­ous strate­gies and aspects of NFL bet­ting that a bet­tor needs to under­stand in order to suc­ceed in his endeav­ors, and one such aspect is sta­tis­tics. Sta­tis­tics play a vital role in foot­ball and a care­ful analy­sis of the same will help you make a more knowl­edge­able pick. Know­ing sta­tis­tics like yards per pass attempt, aver­age opponent’s power rat­ing, or yards per point sys­tem has helped bet­tors to make immense profit for decades. The yards... 


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NFL Giants -2.5 (-125)
Barack Obama -185
Mitt Romney +160
NFL Cowboys 2.5 (+105)
NFL Giants -140
NFL Saints 6.5 (-110)
NFL Broncos -6.5 (-110)
NFL Cowboys +120
NFL Broncos o55.0
NFL Cowboys o48.0


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